Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oil and Water Resist!

Resist is always a favorite. I like to use fun topics and stories. That appeals to the illustrator in me. It's fun for students to draw in chalk, then color in with crayon or pastel and finally paint over the top. If you're doing a black paint like these samples, then there's a bit of wash out too, so there's lots of surprises along the way!

Art Festival Example Pt. 3

Cut paper into uneven tiles and cut black shapes, then create a mosaic.

Tissue Paper Drawings

Throwing some random tissue paper on white paper, then creating a pen drawing on or around the paper brings unexpected results.

Sample Art for the Festival Pt. 1

Art Samples to share with students. Here are some printmaking techniques. Includes a Japanese style fish print, a styroprint (the caterpillar) and a monoprint (the duck).